Sunday, January 18, 2015

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Tomorrow we celebrate Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday.  Although he was murdered in 1968, his impact is timeless.  In history, there are few heroes who have impacted America and Western Society.  Throughout history, there have been many brave people who have made a difference.  Dr. King undoubtedly knew that his life was in jeopardy, and he did not stop.  He was a leader unprecedented in American history.  What set him apart for me was his insistence on protesting nonviolently.  His commitment to nonviolence, during violent and turbulent times was not only brave, but also revolutionary in our country.

Years ago, I purchased and have read, over and over, "The Autobiography of Martin Luther King."  He never wrote an autobiography.  The book is a reprint of his speech and writings and it is brilliant.  Dr. King's influence benefited all oppressed or disfavored groups in the world.  Since he marched, America has been transformed.  Not only was he instrumental in the passage of The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act, his movement caused major upheavals in power structure in the world.

Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr. was a leader for all Americans, in fact for all people.  There have been few people who have benefited humanity more than he did.  He belongs in the ranks of Gandhi, Lincoln, Mandela, Mother Theresa, George Washington and other courageous crusaders throughout history.  We are all better for his work.

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